This travelogue is to capture the highlights of my long-planned trip to several Southwest states by vehicle. This trip checks off several of my bucket list items: (1) visit and revisit several southwest states including NV, CA, AZ, NM, and TX, (2) revisit New Mexico State University (NMSU) in Las Cruces, NM I attended 35 years ago and the location of my memoir Las Crosses to give a talk and/or book signing, and (3) travel by an RV, a trailer, or a camper van for a new experience.
From December 11, 2024, to January 8, 2025, I am traveling with my friend Roman who shares my travel passions and also wants to check off several of his bucket list items, especially traveling with a camper van and checking off a few states to complete his 50 states in the U.S. goal.
For this travelogue, I’ll organize the daily trips by several themes in no particular order. I plan to send out posts every several days. I may add more photos to the posts I send out already but only on the website, which you will not get once you receive the original email. So, if interested, visit the AABB website under the 5in29 tab to see more photos and updates.
Welcome to travel with me and share my experience, good or bad. Enjoy reading!
And if you have something to share, please comment or reply!